Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jared, Galla-ripoff of Jewelry IV

I called Customer Relations & tell a very nice woman the whole story about my mail, credit report, etc. She is so horrified that she puts me on hold before I can even tell the whole story & puts her supervisor on the phone.

I begin again. The supervisor is so horrified that she also stops me & puts her supervisor on the phone. This time I get to tell the entire story & she is extremely apologetic, for both the mistake & for the behavior of the store manager.

They tell me that the account is being closed as we speak & I have until April 26 to return the rings for a complete refund. I tell her I am going there as soon as we hang up, so she says that she'll call the store immediately to authorize the return.

I race to the store as quickly as possibly in rush hour traffic on McNightmare Road. As soon as I'm waited on, I'm put on ice while the lovely Chantal is brought out. Of course, she insists that nobody called so she has to call Credit for a return authorization. She keeps me waiting for about 20 minutes, briefly popping over to ask if I have a cell phone. No.

I do have a cell phone, but I'll be damned if this horrific monster of a woman is going to have some phone bank weasel call me to say they won't accept the return. Eventually, she has to accept my return but as she processes it, she's banging the keys so hard I really thought she would break her computer.

As she works, she informs me that she herself was right all along & that the supervisor who authorized the return had no authority to do so. In fact, they had attempted to call me just moments after hanging up with me to say that I can't return the rings.

That's funny because my BF was home & the last thing I did before entering the store was call him to see if they tried to back out of the return. They did not call. We have caller ID & he had a phone next to him the entire time, so there's no mistake.

She goes on to inform me that the woman who authorized the return is going to be in a lot of trouble for doing so & will likely be disciplined. I merely stated that it's a sin if the only honest employee in the organization were to be faulted for acting upon their claim of customer service being the company's #1 priority.

I added that I just want to be rid of the account & the rings -- we didn't return the gifts we had purchased, so they still got some of my money. I wasn't being unreasonable. I bit my tongue so as to stop myself from telling her that I bought a fantastic ring with multiple sapphires & 50%more diamonds at a competitor for only $50 more than the plain, unimaginative band I was returning.

And I certainly didn't rub her face in the fact that my fiancee got the exact same band elsewhere for nearly $200 less than Jared's price. All in all, I believe I handled myself with great aplomb, considering that their incompetence could have serious repurcussions for years.

Now off I go to find yet another way to monitor my credit & protect myself, thanks to Jared the Crapperia of Jewelers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jared licks donkey nads