Friday, September 23, 2011

'Green' also means other people's money

FEMA may run out of money in less than a week but Democrats can't live with cuts to questionable 'green' initiatives even in the midst of the Solyndra scandal. That about sums up the priorities and incompetence of Congress. There's an immediate need to more than $1 billion in disaster aid and that money has to come from somewhere. The GOP crafted what they characterize as a bill with bipartisan appeal that would divert more than $1.5 billion in loan monies slated for 'greener' vehicles to disaster aid. Democrats refuse to divert the money and voted down the bill, leaving many Americans in limbo.

What the Democrats don't seem to understand is that our supply of money is finite. If we have to pay for something important right now, the money has to come from somewhere and the government loan program for automakers is a fine choice. Higher fuel efficiency is not an equal priority to helping people recover from a natural disaster. This begs the question: How many union jobs are tied to this loan fund? Union jobs are the obvious impetus because what else would put loans for R&D at private companies (who are generally making money hand-over-fist) ahead of Americans devestated by a natural disaster except big-money campaign donations to the Democratic party?

The Democratic opposition is wholly political in that it refuses to prioritize needs in our country. While some GOP members also voted against the bill because they felt the off-setting cuts weren't deep enough, only 6 Democrats voted in favor. It's hard to give the GOP naysayers hell here because the off-setting cuts are in fact insufficient. There are plenty of frivilous funding examples that should be cut anyway but especially right now in the midst of our record debt and deficit and even moreso due to the shortage of disaster funding. But unlike the GOP opposition to this bill, which has a reasonable opposition in light of the current financial situation, Democratic opposition is not just politicial but completely self-serving. It's a blatant statement to the nation that political power is the party's only concern: Getting elected, getting re-elected and continuing to advance an agenda that fails America even in the face of widespread disapproval from citizens.

In the midst of the Solyndra scandal, many of the Democratic party's 'green' initiatives should be scaled back or put on hold entirely as this adminstration's utter incompetence has been bared for all to see. That the deal was bad for taxpayers is evident from the very beginning. That the company didn't meet the standards to receive the loan seems to have been evident to everyone involved throughout the process, all the way up the chain of command. The White House closely monitored the entire process and can't play dumb on this one as they have tried (quite unsuccessfully) with other recent failures of enormous proprtions, like Operation Fast and Furious. From rushing the approval so that Biden could grandstand for the cameras to the restructured agreement giving private investors precedence ahead of the DOE to recoup money in the event of Solyndra's collapse, everything about this is obviously saturated with cronyism and political payback.

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