Friday, August 26, 2011

Enablers, maybe. Equally responsible, not even close.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon is blaming America for the lawlessness and domestic terrorism in his country. Rather than take responsibility for his nation's utter failure to stem crime, he always finds a host of reasons to blame the USA for Mexico's problems. Calderon has insisted that Mexico can't stop crime because of the American guns that move freely south of the border and is now pointing his finger at American's "insatiable" appetite for drugs as the reason for Mexican terrorism.

Obviously it hasn't occurred to Calderon that Americans are largely addicted to drugs because Mexican cartels flood our country with them. Sure the law of supply & demand comes into play here to some extent so yes, the market for drugs does encourage the distribution of drugs. However, people can't get addicted to drugs when they're in short supply, tough to find and expensive to buy. But when we have cartel mules waltzing across our border completely uninhibited with large quantities of cheap drugs, then yeah, more people try them thus more people get addicted.

Stop blaming America for Mexico's complete incompetence in pulling their people out of poverty and violence. And start taking some responsiblity for the problems Mexican government incompetence is causing in other countries, especially America.

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