Wednesday, June 14, 2006

PA Gaming Comission a Joke

By now we've all noted the lurid details of yet another PA gaming board officials public folly. Where do they find these people? My initial assumption was that the entire board is comprised of recently released prisoners being offered a second chance by the state. While disturbing, this premise is inaccurate & the facts may be even more disheartening.

According to a recent letter to the editor in the Trib, the state police do a background check on these "highly recommended" employees. Ha! Let me state for the record that I briefly had a part-time job at a fast-food chicken place in high school & they screened employees with psychological tests.

Basically, the test is designed to investigate your temperment & personality to ensure that you won't suddenly whack at customers with a cleaver or throw hot creamed spinach on a coworker.

Why can't the state institute something similar to stop the flood of degenerate psychos that has inundated public service as of late? According to the whiny letter from the board's chairmen, there are 170 employees of this debacle. Since a lowly press aide was receiving a $64,000 salary & a car at taxpayer's expense, I can only imagine the gross overcompensation of the other 169 "employees".

And this particular guy had worked previously as a background checker for the DOD. While I can't boast any former employers of that ilk, I do have considerably more administrative & managerial experience than the 26 year old nutcase who was fired. The pay & perks definitely exceed the compensation for a lowly purchasing manager in the private sector.

I only hope that they'll advertise this newly vacant position. There are many of us non-criminal, not crazy, hardworking & better qualified Pennsylvanians who would love to be so handsomely compensated for doing what we already do every day: working hard, doing our jobs properly & never ever embarassing our employers.

The people of PA deserve more discretion from our leaders, both fiscally & administratively. Since that will never happen, the least they can do is cut out the nepotism & give the rest of us a chance to work for the state. The workers of PA deserve the chance to be coddled & overcompensated too, since it's our tax dollars footing the bill.

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